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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Food Truck Highlight - Pho Wheels' Vietnamese Tacos

I’m back from hiatus! I’ve been sorta lazy taking time off to be a fatty and try new food trucks so that I have reviews to share ;) I know I’ve already written a review for Pho Wheels so I just wanted to highlight another delicious item on their menu. I recently tried their Vietnamese tacos on Malaysian flatbread (roti canai). I honestly didn’t know what to expect because I’ve never had a Vietnamese taco, but let me tell you, if they’re all made this well then it is easily one of my favorite Asian dishes. Pho Wheels has 3 meat choices: soy garlic chicken, 5 spice maple glazed porkbelly, and mushroom-onion tofu; I decided to order the first two.

Vietnamese Tacos
The soy garlic chicken had big chunks of seasoned chicken; the seasoning tasted like a dry
marinade and was sprinkled with pepper, which added a good finishing taste. The taco was filled with
fresh carrots, onions, cucumber slices, and daikon radishes that gave the meat a refreshing contrast. The roti bread itself was crisp and airy. The taco was topped with cilantro, adding the perfect finishing touch I’m impressed that the shell was able to hold everything in place and actually stay intact until the last bite.

As much as I liked the soy garlic chicken, the 5 spice maple glazed porkbelly was my favorite; it tasted as good as it sounds. The porkbelly slices were thick and tender. Pho Wheels definitely does not skimp on their meat. Unlike some restaurants where porkbelly tastes heavy and greasy, Pho Wheels cooks and seasons theirs in a way that it tastes light and nonfattening. Although I couldn’t pin point the spices, they do blend together well. I think the porkbelly could’ve used a bit more spiciness (perhaps I'll be adding some siracha next time?) but other than that the tacos were simply amazing.
Fresh vegetables, bursting with flavor
For $9 you get 2 large and very filling tacos. I was full after the first taco but they were so good I couldn’t help but finish both in one sitting, which is very rare for me! I absolutely recommend trying Pho Wheels’ Vietnamese tacos. Whether it’s their pho or tacos, Pho Wheels is on point! Follow them on Instagram @phowheelsdc for daily mouth-watering photos! ;)


danielahn said...

Great blog T Lin.. I like that you're critical in some of these entries b/c I am a natural hater and superflous praise for any trucks irks me. Your reluctance to eat red meat troubles me. I'm allergic to peanuts but if I ran a great food blog I'd eat them while simultaneously stabbing myself with an epi-pen. (I'll do anything for my craft!) Only thing I wish food blogs in general did was have some sort of standard to use to compare trucks. I know in real life I use what I call the Chipotle Index. Does this restaurant beat Chipotle in price, quality, and quantity. If the place doesn't exceed at least 2 then I won't eat there. Food truck wise I can't think of a place like everyone has been. Maybe Red Hook Lobster but that place is 1. Pricey so a lot of people dont bother 2. Ton of people dont like or are allergic to shellfish. If we were in like LA I'd use Kogi (Korean Tacos). Maybe you have something in mind that I can't think of. I think it'd be a useful comparison but what do I know?

Hope all is well. Looking forward to more entries. We should do lunch/dinner or something sometime.

icepuppy7 said...

haha thanks daniel for reading and leaving a comment :) I'm not reluctant it's just not my first meat preference is all. There are too many food trucks in DC and honestly it's just recently picking up that I dont think there's a truck thats become the "standard" yet so to speak. I agree with the whole comparison thing though; it was something I considered when I first started this blog..how do I standardized the reviews? I dont have an answer for that but hopefully as more people try the food trucks it'll start to weed out the weaker food trucks and the overall standard of DC food trucks will rise.

Yes! Let's catch up soon :)

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